Today, Fathers Day, was spent at Mount Vernon.. We were just going to drive to Alexandria, but I saw an opportunity to squeeze in the tour of Mount Vernon. It worked out really well This was the home to George Washington. The cool thing is that it is Father's day and we spent it at our founding father's home. It is a beautiful site for a home. The back of the home overlooks the Potomac River. The original home was the narrowest part. You can see the right and left sit back just a bit. Those were added much later after the Washington's lived there. The tour guide said the father of George built the main original home. The front of the home overlooks a big meadow. We toured the home and I wish we could have spent more time inside. The line was moving quite quickly. There were a few folks giving the history of each room, but it was very short. Most of the rooms had original furniture and structures. To touch the door frame or railing that George Washington once touched was amazing. No pictures were allowed to be taken inside. So I have no pics to share. I am sure someone has taken some, so I will be searching the interwebs for some pics. I had no idea, that GW had slaves and all the helpers working on the plantation. The plantation is 8,000 acres. We barely made a dent in seeing it. But the main residence area was the main focus.

The front of the home
The view from behind the home. That is the Potomac river.
The back of the home was lined with chairs. This would be my favorite place. Overlooking the river.
GW and Martha Washington are buried on the plantation. Inside that brick building.
The tombs of Martha and George. There was a group ahead of us that read a prayer and the staff opened the iron gate to the tomb. She left it open for us to take pictures. Otherwise, the picture would be through the iron gated door. This was a special moment seeing the final resting spot. The other moment was standing at the door of the bedroom where GW died. He had died in his bed.
There are crops/gardens throughout the plantation.
The horse barn .
Inside the museum were some wax figures of GW. I didn't realize he was 6'3" . I had thought he was shorter.
GW was one that wanted the people to run the country. He left the country in Congress' hands. And after serving two terms as president, he stepped aside and would not accept being president for the 3rd term.
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