Sunday, August 4, 2013

MT Hood Meadows Loop Hike

Today I decided to explore Mt Hood Meadows Ski area. I found this rout Mt Hood Meadows Loop. . This time of year, flowers are in full bloom around the ski area. There was no disappointment there. Several streams had to be crossed without bridges. Newton Creak was the toughest. Each day, the flow of the streams change with the melting snow up high. This hike is via Elk Meadows, to Newton Creak to Timberline Trail to Umbrella Falls to Sahalie Falls. My GPS gave it a 10.5 mile loop. Crossing through the ski area was fun. I tried to figure out each run / lift as I traversed through the ski area. The views in the canyons were incredible. This was a great hike that I will do again. Below are pics. A bunch of pics. I will give some comments on some of them. 

Bridge Crossing Clark Creek. Clark Canyon is along side Heather Canyon. 

This was another creek, but was fun watching this guy try to cross. He did a good job. Didn't get wet. 

Walking up Newton Creek Trail, the canyon walls were amazing. 

During snow melt and rainy season, the water carves through the canyon with much force. 

These trees are telling me a story of how nasty the winters can be. 

This is the backside to Clark Canyon

I don't know the name of this water fall, but it is along the Newton Creek Trail.

This is Heather Canyon. Two runs that I can identify are Moon Bowl and Half Moon Bowl. 

This is underneath the Daisy Lift.

Huckleberries. I found some ripe ones. They are ripe in some areas, but not all. 

I found this at a trail sign. Just laying on the ground. I googled it when I got home and found it is a counter. It was once used for counting foot traffic on the Timberline Trail. The cord wrapped around it must have been used for a pressure plate that was buried in the ground. The US Forest Service showed they used two models. an IR and a Pressure. 

Down around Heather Canyon, there was a casualty. A snowboard didn't quite hold up. 

These are Buttercups. The ski lift at Meadows is named after it. They grow around the lift, thus how it got its name. 

The Timberline Trail wraps around the entire Mount Hood. It gets a lot of use year after year. 

This is the Mitchell Creek Run. I had lunch at this spot. Not a bad view. 

I don't know what these are, but there were tons of them growing along the Umbrella Falls Trail on the way out of the Ski Area.

This is Umbrella Falls. 

This leads to Sahalie Falls, but the falls are difficult to get to. So no pics. 

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